
Thursday, March 24, 2016

How to Remove Your Address from the Internet

If you've discovered that your address is present and publicly viewable on one or more websites and you're concerned that this might somehow jeopardize the online safety and privacy of you and your loved ones, your concerns may be well warranted. Internet crimes such as cyberstalking, cyberbullying and identity theft, that are directly related to the acquisition of one's personal details, including his or her home address, are on the rise.

There's no better way for a cyber stalker or identity thief to look for the addresses of potential victims than to get on the internet and perform some quick Google searches. If you found your address or other personal details online so could an internet predator that knows just where to look.

Removing Your Address from the Internet

That's why Remove Online Information started putting together an instructional guide to getting address and property information removed from the major websites that collect, distribute and publish this data. These include well-known real-estate websites such as Zillow, property record searches online address books, and address databases.

Web Site Address Opt-Out & Removal Guide

To get started you can preview the DIY Guide to Remove Your Address from the Internet by Remove Online Information below.